SDM-125 Acrobat Arm

With its externally articulated construction, the SDM model offers a particularly robust and durable construction. This feature ensures long-lasting use and high performance. The acrobatic arm provides flexible use thanks to its 360-degree rotation
SDM-160 Acrobat Arm

As ExPulse, our SDM series acrobat arms, which are used in applications such as dust collection, gas and welding fume extraction, stand out with their externally articulated structure. These strong and durable acrobat arms are suitable for working under heavy conditions and provide reliable performance in the most demanding industrial environments.
SDM-200 Acrobat Arm

Our SDM series acrobat arms are characterised by their externally articulated construction. These strong and durable acrobatic arms are suitable for heavy duty operation and provide reliable performance in the most demanding industrial environments.
KDM-100 Stainless Arm

KDM-125 Stainless Acrobat Arm

Scrubber Gas Scrubber

Scrubber, endüstriyel sistemlerden veya atık su arıtma tesislerinden oluşan bazı parçacık veya gazları ortamdan uzaklaştırmak, emisyonları ve kötü kokuları gidermek, oksitlemek, absorbe ve nötralize etmek için kullanılan kontrol cihazıdır.
KDM-160 Stainless Acrobat Arm

KDM-200 Stainless Acrobat Arm

Radial Fan

ST-37, AISI 304, AISI 316, PP, PE Material, Direct Coupled and Belt Pulley Production, Static and Dynamic Balancing Process in accordance with DIN 10816-1 Norm, Double and Single Suction Design, Proportional and On-Off Air Adjustment Damper, Drallregler Damper, Silencer, Acoustic Cabin.
Standard Arm Extension Joint

Fixed Acrobat Arm Extension Joint